
Empower Yourself: Unveiling the Marvels of Your Reproductive System

The female reproductive system is truly incredible, and it’s a bit surprising that we aren’t taught more about our own bodies as women. The way it’s intricately designed is just so smart, and the best part is, you can actually observe and understand your own unique body. How amazing is that!

That’s why when I stumbled upon this book, “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Weschler, I went through a rollercoaster of emotions while reading it. I kept thinking, “Why didn’t I know all of this about my body?” It was like a lightbulb moment – “So that’s what it means!” I realized things I thought were normal weren’t necessarily so, and it made me feel incredibly empowered. All in all, I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and now I’m genuinely grateful for the knowledge I’ve gained about my own body.

Book cover of taking charge of your fertility

I made three podcast episodes with a friend talking about what we both learnt having read the book. You can listen to it below.


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